Sunday, April 28, 2019

Amati Tiru Modifikasi

Kosa kata ATM sangat beken dikalangan pengusaha pemula alias start up. Lewat strategi amati, tiru, dan modifikasi, mereka berharap bisa melewati celah, memasuki pasar dengan cara mudah, murah, dan efisien. Blue Bird, taksi berwarna biru yang dikesankan aman, nyaman, terpercaya adalah salah satu contoh yang ditiru. Kosti, memakai warna biru yang sekilas mirip Blue Bird. Pemilik merek ini sadar, masyarakat tak akan mengecek apakah mereka benar-benar bagian dari Blue Bird.

Starbucks bisa dibilang memunculkan gaya hidup mengonsumsi kopi di perkotaan. Seperti membangunkan pengusaha riil lainnya, gerai kopi yang mengambil konsep Starbucks pun menjamur bak  cendawan di musim hujan. Ada Coffee Bean, Coffee Toffee, Bengawan Solo, dsb. Dan semuanya diapresiasi  pasar.

Dua contoh di atas adalah contoh bagaimana para debutan baru tersebut memakai strategi ATM. Mengamati, meniru, dan memodifikasi proses produksi sesuai pasar yang hendak dibidik.

Apakah seorang penulis juga sah memakai ATM ketika belajar menulis? Monggo saja. Ibarat remaja galau, ia mulanya melihat-lihat kiri kanan. Model rambut macam apa yang hendak ia tiru. Saat dewasa, ia mantap memilih gaya rambut sesuai seleranya.

Penulis baru, nyaris seperti remaja yang berada di persimpangan jalan. Bila ia punya idola penulis, maka ia bisa melihat bagaimana penulis yang idolakan tersebut mengungkapkan gagasannya. Hingga ketika dia menulis, ia terdorong menulis dengan baik. Sebaliknya penulis yang tidak pernah menggagumi tulisan orang lain, ia tidak punya standar, mana tulisan yang baik dan kurang baik.

Slamet Soeseno, penulis flora-fauna yang mampu menggambarkan tingkah laku satwa sangat hidup di tulisannya, pada awalnya meniru gaya Frizkhan, seorang penulis asal Belanda. Setelah melalui penyesuaian dan perjalanan panjang, Pak Slamet punya gaya tulisan sendiri.

Ketika MAW Brower meninggal, banyak pembaca Kompas Minggu muram. Mereka kehilangan tulisan psikologi keluarga yang popular, kocak, lugas, dan membumi. Puluhan tahun Brower menjadi pengasuh rubrik konsultasi keluarga, pembaca menikmati nasihat-nasihatnya yang jitu. Sepedas apapun tulisan Brower, mereka menerima dengan ugahari.

Kolom Sumohadi Marsis di Tabloid Bola, Lie Charlie – rubrik bahasa Indonesia di Intisari, Arswendo Atmowiloto – dengan tulisan human interest, Rhenald Kasali – kolom bisnis di berbagai media, Liek Wilardjo – penulis masalah energi dan sosial, adalah contoh penulis yang saya kagumi.

Mengamati tulisannya saya memastikan, mereka pasti berpengetahuan luas, pembaca buku yang rakus,  pengamat yang detail, logis, dan penutur yang baik.

Mau seperti mereka? Barangkali kuncinya memang Amati, Tiru, dan Modifikasi.

Happy writing

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source foto:google

Cara Buat Tempe Mendoan Renyah dan Gurih

Masih topik musim hujan nih. Cemilan paling menggoda seperti apa ayang pas saat musim hujan tiba? Salah satunya adalah gorengan yang bikin saya anget. Kali ini gorengannya tempe mendoan. Kami akan mengulas cara buat tempe mendoan yang sangat cocok dan hangat-hangat menemani kita saat musim hujan ini. Monggo di coba, kalau mau untuk jualan juga boleh banget.
Cara membuat makanan ringan bernama tempe mendoan ini adalah dicelupkan kedalam adonan tepung kemudian digoreng dalam minyak panas. Tempe umumnya banyak tersedia dan dijajakan diwarung makan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai lauk. Gorengan berupa tempe mendoan biasa disajikan dengan sambal sehingga membuat makanan ini menjadi lebih nikmat lagi. Tempe mendoan adalah jenis makanan khas yang berasal dari dari Purwokerto.
Cara Buat Tempe Mendoan Renyah dan Gurih

Ini Dia Cara Buat Tempe Mendoan

Makanan ini terbuat dari bahan dasar tempe yang diiris tipis atau tempe yang khus untuk dibuat menjadi tempe mendoan yang nantinya akan dipadukan dengan bumbu-bumbu yang pas juga dapat menggoda selera makan. Rasa gurih pada makanan ini telah berhasil bikin semua orang tertarik dengan makanan satu ini. Anda semua sampai saat ini mungkin masih ada yang belum tahu tentang proses dan cara buat tempe mendoan. untuk itu, disini kami akan sajikan cara buat tempe mendoan. Berikut adalah penjelasan lengkapnya.

Bahan utama:

  • Agar berhasil membuat tempe mendoan super lezat, Anda perlu 300 gram tempe diiris tipis dan juga lebar,  atau sesuaikan selera Anda
  • Dua batang daun bawang dicincang halus
  • Siapkan 100 gram tepung beras
  • Siapkan satu sendok makan tepung terigu
  • Air sebanyak 125 ml juga minyak goreng secukupnya yang mana akan digunakan untuk menggoreng seluruh adonan tempe mendoan

Resep tempe mendoan untuk bumbu halus:

  • Anda juga bisa gunakan bumbu halus untuk menambah rasa gurih tempe mendoan. Seperti dua siung bawang putih
  • Bisaa juga ditambahkan satu siung bawang merah
  • Satu sendok teh ketumbar
  • Merica setengah sendok teh dan juga ditambah dengan dua sendok garam sebagai perasa

Langkah Membuat Tempe Mendoan

1. Dalam membuat tempe mendoan ternyata mudah, hal pertama anda terlebih dahulu membuat adonan tepung. Aduk tepung bersama bumbu halus kemudian masukkan daun bawang juga tambahkan sedikit air sampai membentuk adonan tepung sesuai keinginan Anda
2. Jika adonan tepung sudah siap digunakan, kemudian anda celupkan satu persatu tempe tadi. Masukkan tempe yang telah diiris tipis dalam adonan tepung. Supay semua bumbunya meresap ke dalam tempe, maka sebaiknya biarkanlah terlebih dahulu selama beberapa menit.
3. Sediakan penggorengan lalu panaskan minyak goreng sampai benar-benar panas menggunakan api sedang. Satu persatu masukkan adonan tempe mendoan ke dalam minyak panas di penggorengan tadi.
4. Waku penggorengan beberapa menit sampai tempe mendoan sudah matang sempurna. Angkat tempe mendoan lalu tiriskan
5. Jika semua adonan tempe mendoan tadi sudah digoreng sempurna dalam minyak goreng. Aangkat dan tiriskan lalu tata tempe mendoan di piring saji. Anda bisa sajikan selagi hangat dengan saus sambal botolan
Alternatif camilan yang murah bisa kita nikmati lewat gorengan tempe mendoan ini. Jika dibandingkan camilan yang lainnya ransanya tak kalah lezat. Disamping sangat mudah dibuat, bahan baku juga semua bumbu rempahnya pun termasuk mudah untuk didapatkan. Disamping untuk dijadikan camilan, tempe mendoan bisa jadi makan siang atau makan malam anda. Anda bisa langsung coba cara buat tempe mendoan ini di rumah.


5 Things To Do on Samosir Island

Mon, 24 September 2018

A visit to Lake Toba is not complete without a stay on Samosir Island. Situated in the huge crater lake of Toba in North Sumatra, the island of Samosir together with its surrounding areas is the heart of the Toba Batak culture. For a breath of fresh lakeside air, Samosir Island delivers one healthy laid-back dose. Let’s get started with some of the best things this island has to offer.
1 | Shop ‘till you drop at Tomok Market
Start at the market and learn something new about this exotic island. Experience the sights, the taste and the smell in their everyday life and you will feel just like a local. Tomok itself is a traditional village, best known as the gateway and introduction to Samosir. Many shops in the main street and stalls bordering the alleyways sell many of the same things that can be found in the traditional market – a variety of tropical fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers, various dry fish, meat and spices. Tomok market is also considered a good spot for spectacular photo opportunities.
2 | Satisfy Your Hunger with Mie Gomak
Mie Gomak is a traditional curry noodle dish of the Batak Toba.  Mie literally means noodle and Gomak is native for ' digomak’, which means preparation by hand. There are two ways to prepare this dish – in broth or fried.  The noodle is pale orange, quite thick and square-cut. The curry is red, flavorful, smooth but not too spicy. The dish is served alongside condiments such as kerisik (grated dry-fried coconut) and sambal andaliman (a chili sauce made from a local Batak pepper) and a boiled egg can sometimes be requested as a topping. The best time to consume Mie Gomak is in cold weather as the tasty spices will warm the body
3 | Set new trend : wear an Ulos
Ulos is a typical traditional woven fabric that symbolizes the bond of affection between parents and children or, between a person and others. Ulos has a symbolic function for a variety of aspects in Batak life and different kinds in color and motifs of ulos have different ceremonial significance. Ulos is usually worn in traditional rituals from birth to marriage to funerals. Batak people wear it on their heads, shoulders, lower torso and around their body. Depending on the fabric, a piece of Ulos ranges in price from IDR 25,000.00 – IDR 5,000,000.00.
Nowadays, traditional fabrics like Ulos in trendy designs have become the latest upmarket fashion in Indonesia.
4 | Learn how to Dance the Tor Tor
Tor Tor is a traditional dance of the Batak ethnic group. The name 'Tor Tor’ is derived from the sound of communal pounding of feet made when groups of people engage in this dance. Normally Tor Tor is  accompanied by ceremonial music using instruments such as the gondang. At festive events, the rhythm of music is more upbeat and cheerful compared to the more solemn ceremonies such as funerals.
Each movement of the Tor Tor dance is associated with a profound meaning and incites emotion and interaction among participants of the ceremony. In every wedding ceremony of the Batak ethnic group, the bride and groom are required to perform a Tor - Tor dance as is customary. The dance movement is mostly in the fingers and an Ulos is worn over the shoulder of every dancer.
5 | Biking Around Samosir
Biking across the Samosir countryside is a good way to explore the beauty of the island. The path along the mountain from Ambarita to Tomok is a sight for sore eyes although the parts of the roads can be quite bumpy. The further up the hill the more stunning and amazing the landscape becomes as rice fields and lakeside views will surely take your breath away. Renting a bike is quite easy as there are many places that offer bike rentals. The price to rent a bike may vary, starting from IDR 30,000.00/day.
Samosir has so much fun, doesn't it? Book your Samosir holiday now!


Introduction to Stamp Collecting

a sheet of National Postal Museum 29 cent stamps


What can you call a hobby which teaches so much—in addition to providing fun and pleasure. Stamp collecting helps instruct the collector in geography, biography, history, culture and art. Stamps are miniature gateways to the world.
Stamp collecting has very few rules. You don't have to buy expensive sneakers or rackets to enjoy it. However, there are a few simple things to remember when collecting stamps.


First of all, one of the essential rules to remember is that the condition of a stamp is a highly important consideration. Badly torn and mis-handled stamps are not only unpleasant to the eye, but they are worth next to nothing when compared to their undamaged counterparts. Try to acquire the finest possible specimens. Stamps are rated in condition from poor to superb.
A stamp which can be called "superb" is one of the finest quality. That means it has perfect centering, brilliant color and perfect gum. A used stamp can also be called superb, if it is perfectly centered, fresh looking, is lightly cancelled and undamaged.
A designation of fine means a stamp without flaws, average centering, gum with light hinge marks. Used stamps designated "fine" are not quite as fresh, cancels are heavier and centering is good.

a variety of stamp tongs
Stamp tongs come with differently shaped tips, but they all have smooth ends which you can use to pick up a stamp without damaging it. 

"Good" stamps are those which are off-center, but fairly attractive. There may be minor defects such as disturbed gum, thin areas, heavy hinge marks. Stamps which fall below these standards should be ignored and are not worth acquiring by the serious collector; however beginners sometimes collect them as starters. These are known as "space fillers".
Because their condition is so important -- and stamps are only bits of paper after all -- when handling them it is essential to remember to use caution. The best way to safely handle stamps is with tongs.
Because stamps are small, it is often difficult to see all of their minute detail with the naked eye. Magnifying glasses, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, will help you not only see the design better, but also, in some instances discover small details which can help distinguish one stamp from another. You'll soon learn that there are times when stamps appear to be the same, but are not.
Look-alike stamps frequently turn stamp collectors into Sherlock Holmes! Sleuthing is fun and a test of your knowledge and skill.


stamps soaking in a beige bowl

You can always find stamps in your own mail box, or you can ask a local business to let you have stamps from their mail. But when you want to remove a stamp from an envelope, you will need to soak the stamp off. When you soak stamps off of the remnants of envelopes, all you really need is a container to hold the cool water while the stamps soak. It's best to let the stamps soak for perhaps 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes more depending on the quality of the paper and gum which is used. You can tell when the stamps are ready to be handled, they will float free from the envelopes. Not all stamps soak well. If you have stamps with purple ink or cancellations on them, you may want to soak them separately, because these colors may run, discoloring other items in the container. Others may require separate attention because of colors which may run from the envelopes on which the stamps were affixed.


If you have trouble in telling the difference between two seemingly similar stamps you may want to measure the perforations. A perforation gauge is used to measure the number of perforations in a prescribed space on each stamp. Some stamp designs may look alike but the gauge of the perforation is different.
Subtle differences are apparent in other ways. Another way of distinguishing seemingly similar stamps is by using a watermark detector. Some stamps have a very faint watermark which has been incorporated into the paper during its manufacture, and it is necessary to use a special device to detect such marks.

a stamp soaking in a black dish

Although sometimes a watermark can be found by holding the stamp up to the light, more often the stamp has to be examined in a watermark detector. Place a few drops of special, non-toxic, watermark detector fluid into the detector dish, adding enough to shallowly cover the bottom. The stamp is then placed face-down in the smooth black tray. The watermark should quickly become visible. As a precaution, remember to always use watermark fluid in well ventilated areas.
As with watermarks, look-alike stamps also differ in color. Color guides provide another helpful guide to differentiate between stamps which appear similar. Using a color guide can help you tell if your stamp is rose, rose-red, deep rose-red or dull rose-red. 
Knowing how to handle stamps properly is only one part of the fun of collecting. Once you've got a stamp or envelope, you will no doubt want to learn more about it. Perforation gauges, watermark detectors and magnifying glass will help you identify the differences between stamps, but referring to periodicals, reference books, and catalogues will help you not only identify each item, but learn more about them as well. 
The most important book which you will want to use is a stamp catalogue. The catalogue you use will depend on the type of stamps you collect. The most common catalogue used in the United States is the Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, produced by the Scott Publishing Company. 
If you collect only stamps from the United States, then you would need to use only the Scott Specialized Catalogue of the United States. For other countries, there are five other catalogues. Volume 1 includes U.S. and territories, Canada, Great Britain and the Commonwealth as well as the United Nations. Volumes 2 through 5 include the remaining countries of the world listed alphabetically. 
There are other specialized catalogues too. They are used by collectors who specialize in collecting stamps from other countries, or specialized collections that focus on transportation methods and other topics. The most common international catalogs are produced by Gibbons in Great Britain; Yvert and Tellier in France; and Michel in Germany. 
These catalogues list stamps or covers by number, and if you are using pre-printed albums produced by the same companies, that number will probably be used as a reference there as well. In addition to numbering the stamp, the catalogue will usually tell such things as which printing method was used to produce the stamp and the date it was first issued. 
Even more information about your stamps can be found by using handbooks. Many times information that can be found nowhere else can be found in a handbook. Hundreds of different philatelic handbooks can be borrowed through your local library. If the library does not have the book, you can request that they order it for you through inter-library loan from the National Philatelic Collection. 
If you are unsure about what area of collecting you would like to concentrate on, you may want to consult a beginning collectors book. These "how-to-books" can be purchased or ordered through a local stamp dealer or bookstore, or you may find them at your local library.

five foreign stamps on a black background

Because one of the first things you will learn through collecting stamps of other countries is geography, you may want to get an atlas, globe or world map to help you see where the country is located, or to help locate countries which issued stamps you have in your collection. Several stamp atlases have been published for philatelists; they show "dead" countries that formerly issued stamps, as well as current nations. 
Sometimes, collectors decide to collect stamps not by country of issue, but because of something else. There are people who collect stamps that are oddly shaped, or items that aren't technically stamps, such as labels and seals. These are commonly called cinderellas (because they appear to be something they're not).
Some people collect revenue stamps, which are used by the country of issue to tax items. Many more people collect stamps according to topic, such as animals, like birds, or fish, people on stamps, such as authors or scientists, or sport scenes, flowers, art or crafts, the list of stamp collections by topics is practically endless. 
If you have decided to collect according to a country, topic, or any other area of stamp collecting that you want to concentrate on, you may want to keep in touch with others who are collecting the same way. There are numerous specialized stamp clubs locally or nationwide. Many of these clubs can be found through web searches using the terms "stamps" and your collecting topic.

a variety of philately bulletins and pamphlets

Often when a club has members around the country, the only way for them to keep in touch with each other is through a magazine, newsletter, or bulletin. You may want to subscribe to a philatelic magazine that covers your interests. There are stamp journals which let you know what is going on in the field in general, and keep you up to date on new discoveries. There are stamp journals which are devoted to studying and describing stamps and covers.
Whatever area of collecting you wish to collect in, there is an enormous amount of information available to help you enjoy your hobby. The best place to start is a local stamp club. You've probably already made that first step, now you can try and decide which kinds of stamps or envelopes you'd like to collect and which materials you'll need to help you. Good luck, and remember—enjoy yourself, because the main reason for collecting stamps is for the fun of it!


Sunday, April 14, 2019


Alhamdulillah penulis best seller Ipnu Rinto Nugroho telah meluncurkan buku panduan Menjadi Penulis Kreatif. Insyaallah buku ini akan membantumu menjadi penulis yang kreatif dan inovatif.

Apa aja sih yg dibahas di buku ini?

*Bagaimana cara memulai menulis
*Cara menemukan ide untuk menulis
*Cara menulis cerita fiksi dan non fiksi 
*Apa rahasia buku best seller
*Bagaimana agar tulisanmu diterima media massa/penerbit?
*Dan masih banyak lagi

+Next step nih buat yang mau serius menulis sebuah buku?
+Buat yang bingung gimana sih cara nulis buku yang bagus 
+Buat yang sangat suka menulis tapi ga tau tulisannya bagus apa engga yaa
+Buat yg merasa minder bisa bikin buku bagus apa engga
+Dan buat yang pengen menghasilan uang dari hasil karya sendiri

Buku Menjadi Penulis Kreatif ini dijual terbatas.
•sayang banget kalau kelewatan
•harganya cuma 💯 rb
•daripada ketinggalan buruan beli sekarang. Kalau beli sekarang ongkir gratisssss.

Jika berminat dapat menghubungi WA/TELP/SMS 081318611536 ATAU KUNJUNGI WEBSITE


Sarah Nadia Kamila:
Pernah ga sih susah banget cari baju ukuran besar.Aduh kalo aku mah susah, beratku 85kg dan kalo cari baju itu susah banget dan kalo ada pun pasti mahal. Jadi aku pengen banget nih punya baju sendiri yang besar dan cocok untukku.

Dimana sih beli baju ukuran besar dan cocok sesuai kebutuhan?

Jangan khawatir!!!! Aku udh bisa kasih solusi nya!!!!!

Mulai dari ukuran baju polo XL sampai XXXL ada!!!!!!!

Tapi sih keputusan ada di tangan anda untuk membeli atau tidak.

Hanya jika anda membeli sekarang atau dalam 7 hari kedepan anda akan mendapatkan bonus 1 buku tulis campus hanya dengan harga 35K!!!!!!!

Anda tidak harus membeli sekarang. Tapi jika anda ingin membeli maka hubungi WA/SMS/TELP 081318611535 atau kunjungi

What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneur Definition and Meaning

What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or businesses while building and scaling it to generate a profit.
However, as a basic entrepreneurship definition, it’s a bit limiting. The more modern entrepreneurship definition is also about transforming the world by solving big problems. Like initiating social change, creating an innovative product or presenting a new life-changing solution.
What the entrepreneurship definition doesn’t tell you is that entrepreneurship is what people do to take their career and dreams into their hands and lead it in the direction of their own choice. It’s about building a life on your own terms. No bosses. No restricting schedules. And no one holding you back. Entrepreneurs are able to take the first step into making the world a better place, for everyone in it.

What is the meaning of entrepreneurship?

The meaning of entrepreneurship involves an entrepreneur who takes action to make a change in the world. Whether startup entrepreneurs solve a problem that many struggle with each day, bring people together in a way no one has before, or build something revolutionary that advances society, they all have one thing in common: action.
It’s not some idea that’s stuck in your head. Entrepreneurs take the idea and execute on it. Entrepreneurship is about execution of ideas.

Importance of Entrepreneurship

What is entrepreneurship really about? And why’s it so important? An entrepreneur is the person who sees a problem in the world and immediately focuses on creating the solution. They’re the leaders that strike out on their own to improve society. Whether they’re creating jobs or a new product, they constantly take action to ensure world progress. In the process of understanding what is entrepreneurship, let’s look at why entrepreneurs are important in society. 
  • Entrepreneurs create jobs: Without entrepreneurs, jobs wouldn’t exist. Entrepreneurs take on the risk to employ themselves. Their ambition to continue their business’ growth eventually leads to the creation of new jobs. As their business continues to grow, even more jobs are created. Thus, lowering unemployment rates while helping people feed their families.
  • Entrepreneurs create change: Entrepreneurs dream big so naturally some of their ideas will make worldwide change. They might create a new product that solves a burning problem or take on the challenge to explore something never explored before. Many believe in improving the world with their products, ideas or businesses.
  • Entrepreneurs give to society: While some have this notion of the rich being evil and greedy, they often do more for the greater good than the average person. They make more money and thus pay more in taxes which helps fund social services. Entrepreneurs are some of the biggest donors to charities and nonprofits for various causes. Some seek to invest their money in creating solutions to help poorer communities have access to things we take for granted like clean drinking water and good health care.

Why Do People Become Entrepreneurs

What is entrepreneurship’s appeal? With over 400 million entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship has an international appeal. Every entrepreneur has their own ‘why’ that drove them to dive into being their own boss. Whether entrepreneurs need more freedom or to make the world a better place, they all take control of their life by living life on their own terms. Here are a few of the reasons why people become entrepreneurs:
  • To change the world: Many entrepreneurs strive to make the world better. Whether entrepreneurs believe in space exploration, eliminating poverty or creating a practical but game-changing product, they ultimately build a brand in service of others. Some entrepreneurs use their business as a way to raise capital quickly to funnel into their noble causes. To social entrepreneurs, building an empire is about creating a better world for everyone.
  • They don’t want a boss: Entrepreneurs often struggle with having a boss. They often feel suffocated, restricted and held back. Some entrepreneurs may feel that they have a more effective way of doing things. Others may dislike the lack of creative freedom. Ultimately, they become attracted to entrepreneurship to succeed on their own terms. Being the boss can be more fulfilling than having one. Check out 10 Obvious Signs You Should Be Working for Yourself.
  • They want flexible hours: Entrepreneurship is often popular around those who need flexible hours. Many people with disabilities often enjoy entrepreneurship as it allows them to work when they’re able to. Parents with young children might also prefer entrepreneurship as it allows them to raise young children at home or pick them up from school without having to feel guilty about it. Students may also like the flexibility of entrepreneurship as their course workload might not allow them to work standard office hours.
  • They’re risk-takers: Calculated risk taking and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. Entrepreneurs don’t apply to jobs, they create them. With that comes risk. Whether it’s the financial risk of starting your first brand or the risk from not knowing what to expect, business is risky. Entrepreneurs are often taking risks by trying things the average person won’t, to do things the average person can’t.
  • They can’t get a job: Many stumble into entrepreneurship when they can’t get a job. Getting fired, a lack of experience or a criminal record can prevent the average person from getting a job when they’re desperate. Instead of being defeated by their situation, they create new opportunities for themselves. A new graduate might start an online store the summer after graduation to build up their resume. A parent who is seasonally laid off each winter might start a business to ensure they can continue feeding their family while keeping a roof over their heads.
  • They don’t fit into the corporate environment: Entrepreneurs don’t often thrive in corporate environments. It’s often very restricting for their growth. They may dislike the lack of control they have in their role or the office politics. In general, you can spot an entrepreneur in a corporate environment as they’re usually trying to gain more control in their role and learning their coworkers responsibilities to better understand how everything fits together.
  • They’re curious: Entrepreneurs love finding out the answer to the question, ‘what will happen if…’ They’re experimental. Entrepreneurs love learning. They regularly read business books to advance their knowledge. So naturally, entrepreneurship appeals to them because doing allows them to learn the most in the shortest amount of time. Their curiosity allows their continued growth.
  • They’re ambitious: Those who love reaching difficult goals and milestones are made to be entrepreneurs. There’s no limit to how much an entrepreneur can make and so they can always work to achieve higher levels of greatness. Since there’s no limit to what they can achieve, entrepreneurs constantly find themselves growing and achieving more than they ever imagined. When obstacles get presented in front of them, they find the workaround to their goal. Entrepreneurs are unstoppable.


Sunday, March 31, 2019

Arti kata aktor - Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Online

aktor/ak·tor/ n 1 pria yang berperan sebagai pelaku dalam pementasan cerita, drama, dan sebagainya di panggung, radio, televisi, atau film; 2 orang yang berperan dalam suatu kejadian penting;
-- intelektual otak berbagai tindakan yang menyimpang (seperti kerusuhan, pembakaran, pembunuhan); 
-- karakter aktor yang membawakan peran yang berbeda dengan dirinya dan berhasil dengan baik; 
-- manajer aktor yang juga merangkap sebagai pimpinan kelompok drama dan sebagainya; 
-- pembantu aktor yang tidak memegang peran utama; figuran; 
-- pratean aktor pancaragam kostum yang selalu melakukan pertukaran kostum dengan cepat ketika melakukan pertunjukan


Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Penyanyi adalah seseorang yang menggunakan suara bernada dengan lagu yang diiringi musik maupun tidak.


Suara penyanyi yang dikategorikan menurut jenis kelamin adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Suara laki-laki
  • Tenor, suara tertinggi laki-laki.
  • Bariton, suara menengah laki-laki.
  • Bas, suara terendah laki-laki.
  • Suara perempuan
  • Sopran, suara tertinggi perempuan.
  • Mezzo-sopran, suara menengah perempuan.
  • Kontralto, suara terendah perempuan. Istilah lainnya adalah alto untuk musik paduan suara.

7 Resep Spaghetti yang Enak dan Mudah Dibuat

DokterSehat.Com – Spaghetti adalah jenis pasta yang banyak disukai. Selain rasanya yang enak, resep spaghetti ada beberapa variasi. Temukan beberapa variasi resep spaghetti seperti resep spaghetti carbonara, resep spaghetti bolognese, resep spaghetti marinara, resep spaghetti ayam, resep spaghetti alfredo, dan lainnya.

Kreasi Resep Spaghetti yang Enak dan Sederhana

Tidak hanya memiliki citarasa yang lezat, resep spaghetti termasuk resep masakan eropa yang cukup praktis dan mudah dibuat. Anda tidak perlu ahli dalam memasak untuk membuat spaghetti sendiri. Coba beberapa resep spaghetti yang enak dan sederhana ini.
Ingin tahu aneka resep spaghettti lezat dan sederhana? Inilah beberapa aneka resep spaghetti yang bisa menggoyang lidah Anda!

1. Resep Spaghetti Carbonara

Resep Spaghetti Carbonara


  • 350 gram spaghetti
  • 150 gram daging sapi
  • 2 butir telur, kocok
  • 1 buah bawang bombay, cincang
  • 200 ml kaldu ayam (air + 1 sendok kaldu ayam bubuk)
  • 100 gram keju parmesan parut
  • 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1 sendok makan peterseli cincang
  • garam (sesuai selera)

Cara membuat:

  1. Panaskan 1 sendok makan mentega/ minyak di atas api kecil
  2. Tumis daging sapi hingga hingga kering
  3. Angkat dan tiriskan daging sapi
  4. Remukkan dan sisihkan
  5. Rebus spaghetti dengan 1 sendok garam dan 1 sendok makan mentega sampai matang
  6. Angkat, tiriskan, dan sisihkan
  7. Didihkan kaldu lalu masukkan bawang bombay
  8. Masak hingga bawang bombay melunak
  9. Masukkan garam, merica, keju, dan telur
  10. Aduk semua bahan tersebut sampai kental
  11. Masukkan spaghetti, peterseli, dan daging sapi
  12. Aduk cepat secara merata
  13. Hidangkan selagi hangat

2. Resep Spaghetti Bolognese

Resep Spaghetti Bolognese


  • 150 gram spaghetti, rebus dan tiriskan
  • 300 ml susu cair
  • 3 butir telur ayam
  • 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • garam secukupnya
  • 50 gram keju cheddar parut
  • margarin secukupnya, untuk olesan
  • 25 gram keju parmesan, untuk taburan

Bahan saus bolognese:

  • 2 sdm mentega
  • 4 sdm bawang bombay, iris
  • 1 sdm bawang putih, cincang
  • 50 gram tomat concase
  • 1 sdm pasta tomat
  • 100 gram daging giling
  • oregano secukupnya
  • 50 gram paprika cincang
  • 1 buah kaldu blok instan
  • 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
  • garam secukupnya
  • air secukupnya

Cara membuat:

  1. Kocok telur ayam dengan garpu hingga rata
  2. Campur dengan spaghetti di dalam mangkuk
  3. Masukkan keju parut, garam, susu, dan merica lalu aduk rata
  4. Ambil pinggan tahan panas dan bentuk segi empat lalu olesi dengan margarin
  5. Tuang adonan spaghetti lalu panggang dalam oven selama 1 jam hingga padat dan matang
  6. Angkat dan sisihkan
  7. Saus bolognese: Panaskan mentega lalu tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan pasta tomat, tomat concase, daging giling, paprika, dan semua bumbu saus lalu aduk rata. Tambahkan sedikit air untuk mematahkan daging.
  8. Angkatlah setelah mendidih dan agak kental.
  9. Potong spaghetti dan siram dengan saus bolognese di atasnya
  10. Taburi dengan keju parmesan
  11. Sajikan dan nikmati saat masih hangat
3 porsi

3. Resep Spaghetti Marinara

Resep Spaghetti Marinara


  • 1 pak spaghetti, rebus
  • 1 sdm minyak goreng
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 2000 ml air

Bahan saus marinara:

  • 1 sdm minyak zaitun
  • 1 sdm daun basil segar, cincang
  • 5 siung bawang putih, cincang
  • 1,5 sdt oregano bubuk
  • 1 buah bawang bombay, cincang
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 250 gram tomat, buang biji dan cincang
  • 1 sdm gula pasir
  • 2 sdm pasta tomat
  • 1 sdt merica
  • 100 ml air

Cara membuat:

  1. Didihkan air dalam panci
  2. Masukkan garam dan minyak zaitun
  3. Rebus spaghetti beberapa saat
  4. Angkat, tiriskan, dan sisihkan
  5. Panaskan minyak zaitun
  6. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga layu
  7. Tambahkan tomat cincang, pasta tomat, daun basil, oregano bubuk, garam, gula pasir, merica, dan kaldu
  8. Aduk rata dan masak hingga mendidih dan mengental
  9. Siram saus marinara di atas spaghetti
  10. Berikan hiasan sesuai selera
  11. Sajikan selagi hangat

4. Resep Spaghetti Ayam

Resep Spaghetti Ayam


  • 400 gram spaghetti
  • 2 sdm minyak untuk menumis
  • 3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
  • 1/2 butir bawang bombay, cincang
  • 1 butir tomat, buang bijinya dan cincang
  • 200 gram daging ayam giling (bagian dada)
  • 2 sdm pasta tomat
  • 1 sdt oregano (pilihan)
  • 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
  • 1,5 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt gula pasir
  • 100 ml air
  • keju parut (pilihan)

Cara membuat:

  1. Rebus spaghetti lalu angkat dan sisihkan
  2. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai harum
  3. Masukkan tomat cincang dan daging ayam giling
  4. Aduk hingga merata
  5. Tambahkan pasta tomat, oregano, garam, gula pasir, merica, dan air
  6. Masak sampai matang dan kental lalu angkat
  7. Letakkan spaghetti di piring saji
  8. Siram dengan tumisan ayam
  9. Taburi dengan keju parut
  10. Nikmati selagi hangat
6 porsi

5. Resep Spaghetti Alfredo

Resep Spaghetti Alfredo


  • 1 pak spaghetti, rebus
  • 1 sdm minyak goreng
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 2000 ml air

Bahan saus alfredo:

  • 5 sdm mentega
  • 200 ml cream
  • 100 gram keju parmesan parut
  • pala bubuk secukupnya
  • merica secukupnya
  • garam secukupnya

Cara membuat:

  1. Didihkan air dalam panci
  2. Masukkan garam dan minyak zaitun
  3. Rebus spaghetti beberapa saat
  4. Angkat, tiriskan, dan sisihkan
  5. Saus alfredo: Tambahkan cream, keju, dan bumbu rempah. Masak sambil diaduk lalu angkat dan sisihkan
  6. Siram saus alfredo di atas spaghetti
  7. Berikan hiasan sesuai selera
  8. Sajikan selagi hangat

6. Resep Spaghetti Aglio Olio Tuna

Resep Spaghetti Aglio Olio Tuna


  • 1 kaleng tuna
  • 1/2 bungkus Spaghetti
  • 1/2 sendok teh garam
  • 5-6 sendok makan minyak zaitun
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang
  • cabai rawit secukupnya

Cara Membuat:

  1. Didihkan air dan tambahkan sedikit minyak zaitun agar spaghetti tidak menempel
  2. Masukkan dan rebus spaghetti hingga empuk
  3. Panaskan minyak zaitun di atas wajan
  4. Masukkand an tumis bawang putih bersama cabai rawi hingga harum dan berubah warna
  5. Masukkan tuna yang sudah ditiriskan lalu aduk
  6. Tambahkan spaghetti yang sudah di rebus
  7. Masukkan garam dan koreksi rasanya
  8. Aduk hingga rata dan sajikan

7. Resep Spaghetti Pesto

Resep Spaghetti Pesto


  • 225 gram spaghetti
  • 50 gram kacang pine
  • 50 gram keju parmesan parut, untuk taburan
  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 100 ml minyak zaitun
  • 1 sdm air
  • garam secukupnya
  • merica hitam butiran
  • daun parsley segar secukupnya
  • daun basil segar secukupnya
  • gula pasir secukupnya

Cara membuat

  1. Panggang kacang pine di atas wajan hingga berwarna keemasan
  2. Angkat dan sisihkan hingga agak dingin
  3. Masak spaghetti di dalam air mendidih yang telah ditambahkan garam
  4. Saus pesto: Masukkan keju parmesan, bawang putih, parsley, basil, gula satu jumput, dan kacang pine ke dalam food processor. Cincang dan tambahkan minyak zaitun saat mencincang. Tambahkan garam dan merica dan pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk.
  5. Tiriskan spaghetti yang telah matang ke dalam wajan
  6. Tambahkan 4-5 sdm pesto dan aduk rata
  7. Taburi dengan keju parmesan